I'm so tired right now but I noticed that I haven't posted for over a month. Where does the time go? Just because I'm working three jobs, reading 3 books and a magazine, knitting half a dozen projects AND trying to keep my house clean doesn't mean I don't have plenty of spare time - HA! and you thought you were busy? I guess we'll just turn our shirts inside out and wear them another day because I didn't get the laundry done...got to blog. Wear the darker ones they don't show the dirt.
I've ordered some Lanaset dyes that I can't wait to break into and start mixing up colors, but I'm reading Deb Menz's -
Color in Spinning first and my latest issue of Spin Off before diving in head first. I've also been out in the yard picking up leaves, not raking, just collecting for my color inspirations. One of my first projects will be - you guessed it, autumn leaves.
Oh, and I've got my new drum carder ordered which should be here next week and I can hardly wait to get started with that. I've got boxes of fleece that will finally get carded up, dyed and spun, what a concept.
I'm going to sleep and dream about my fiber addiction and how much fun I'm going to have in the coming days, weeks, months, years...lifetime.